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Benefits of consuming Bird’s nest during pregnancy

Benefits of consuming Bird’s nest during pregnancy

If you are an expectant mother reading this, congratulations! Pregnancy is the beginning of the beautiful journey of motherhood. As an expectant mother, you may start to think about wanting the best for your child. If so, you have come to the right place. Today, we are going to teach you more about the benefits of consuming bird’s nest during pregnancy and the methods of consuming bird’s nest during pregnancy.

Consuming bird’s nest during pregnancy

Picture of Bottled bird's nest to drink and has Benefits of consuming Bird's nest during pregnancy

Firstly, it should be noted that bird’s nest is classified as a superfood. This means that bird’s nest is packed with all the excellent nutrients that your body needs. It contains a whole array of proteins, lipids, amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. This is especially beneficial for expectant mothers. You will not only have not to consume enough nutrients for yourself, but also your baby! Having enough nutrients is crucial at this stage for your baby’s development in the womb. Hence, consuming bird’s nest on a regular basis during pregnancy can help to ensure that there is sufficient nutrients for both you and your baby.

When and how to consume?

Some may say that bird’s nest should not be consumed during the first trimester. However, from the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, this is not true as there is no proper reasoning behind this. Hence, bird’s nest can still be safely consumed during the early stages of pregnancy.

However, one key thing to note is that during pregnancy, generally, bird’s nest should be consumed warm. It is also recommended that bird’s nest can be consumed with more “heaty” ingredients such as certain kinds of ginseng rather than the cooling ingredients. However, this also depends on each individual’s own body state as some may already be too heaty on a normal basis.

Consuming bird’s nest after pregnancy

Even after giving birth, mothers should still continue consuming bird’s nest to receive the health benefits of bird’s nest. As mentioned, it can help to supply vital nutrients to the post natal body. This will aid the body in recovery.

Other than the general health benefits that it provides, bird’s nest is also beneficial to the skin. Stretch marks often result during pregnancy due to the stretching of the skin by the fetus. Do not worry if this happens. Bird’s nest can help alleviate the stretch marks and rejuvenate the skin.

Studies have shown that bird’s nest contain high Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) which promotes cell growth. Thus, consuming bird’s nest after pregnancy can help to reduce the stretch marks and help you attain a youthful and radiant skin as before.

Moreover, to obtain a greater dose of these wonderful skin benefits, you may want to consider consuming bird’s nest with added pearl and collagen. Pearl powder is known to also contain amino acids and antioxidants which are beneficial for the skin. Added collagen can also complement the repair of the skin tissues and improve skin health.

Child’s development

Picture of Kids after after consuming Bird's nest during pregnancy

When the child grows older and starts eating whole foods, mothers may then start to ask, “should I feed bird’s nest to my child?” The answer is a resounding yes! As mentioned earlier, bird’s nest is a superfood. The main carbohydrate found in bird’s nest is sialic acid, and this has been shown to promote brain development. Thus, not only is bird’s nest good for the child during pregnancy, you may also consider feeding bird’s nest to your child to ensure that your child gets the best nutrients which are vital for his or her growth.


  • Bird’s nest can provide pregnant mothers with their nutritional needs
  • During pregnancy, consume bird’s nest with heaty ingredients such as certain kinds of ginseng
  • After pregnancy, bird’s nest can aid with the body’s recovery
  • When the child starts to eat whole foods, consider feeding your child bird’s nest as a supplement in their development




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